W4112 Tissue Engineering

Typ: Vorlesung
SWS: 2
Credit Points: 3

Kursbeschreibung / -kommentar

Tissue engineering combined with cell therapies is continuously gaining importance in medical treatment for dysfunctional tissues and organs. The course program aims to provide understanding of the mechanisms allowing tissue regeneration. The principles underlying strategies for employing selected cells – cell therapy, biomaterial scaffolds – guide tissue regeneration, soluble regulators - growth factors or their genes - gene therapy, and bioreactors for the regeneration of tissues and organs in vitro and in vivo are addressed. Cell fate processes and cell communication followed by description of different stem cell types is provided and compared to differentiated cell types. Overview of natural and synthetic scaffolds is described. The rationale for employing selected growth factors is covered and the techniques for incorporating their genes into the scaffolds are examined. The influence of environmental factors including mechanical loading and culture conditions (e.g., static versus dynamic, up-scaling) is discussed. Methods for fabricating tissue-engineered products and devices for implantation are taught. Examples of tissue engineering-based procedures currently employed in clinically are analyzed. Finally, challenges associated with the production of tissue engineered medical products, such as safety, efficacy, regulation and ethics are also covered.